Why Do You Have An Itchy Throat And What To Do About It

Why Do You Have An Itchy Throat And What To Do About It

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Itchy throat is an irritating experience you can have from time to time, but nowadays it can also be rather worrying.  But itchy throat is very common.  It can usually be a sign of an allergy or an early sign of a viral or bacterial infection. (1)  You can have itchy throat when you have the common colds or when you’re coughing. Through the years people have tried different remedies and medicines for it - but what’s really the best solution to stop itchy throat? Read on to learn about it.


Allergic rhinitis and allergies. Also known as hay fever, allergic rhinitis may be one of the most common causes of an itchy throat. This happens when the body overreacts to an otherwise harmless substance, releasing a chemical called histamine that causes these overreactions. Some of the common triggers include pollen, skin flakes from animal hair, dust, and irritants such as cigarette smoke or exhaust fumes. Food allergies from peanuts, shellfish, eggs, milk, and wheat can result in itching not just in the mouth but the throat as well. Many people also suffer from allergies to certain medications, like penicillin and other antibiotics. Itchiness in the throat that starts shortly after taking a new medication is a sign of a drug allergy. (2)

Bacterial and viral infections. Viruses of the common cold (sipon) or the flu virus can both cause an itchy throat. (3)  And when you have the flu, you can also get dry cough, fever, sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, and headache. (4) Whether it’s due to the flu or just worsening colds (sipon), these headaches are caused by fluid build-up in your sinuses and nasal passages, making them swollen and causing pain-inducing pressure.(5)

Itchy throat due to allergies or infections can both be accompanied by symptoms of the common cold or cough and may be relieved with over the counter medication.  But how do you know that it’s time to see a doctor?

When to see a doctor

Many causes of an itchy throat can resolve on their own in about a week. (6) It may occur with colds and cough for a few days.  But if it progresses to a persistent dry cough for more than two weeks, that is cause for more concern.  According to DOH, the presence of cough lasting for more than two weeks already necessitates consultation with a physician.

Self-treatment is not recommended for adults 45 years old and above who have decades of smoking history, or when cough is accompanied by any of these symptoms: difficulty breathing, hoarseness, fever, weight loss, swelling of lower legs or hands plus weight gain, trouble swallowing when eating or drinking, vomiting, abdominal pain or diarrhea. It is best to see a health care professional when experiencing persistent cough along with these other symptoms as it may be a sign of a more serious problem with the lungs, heart, stomach, or nervous system. (8) With the pandemic, it is advisable to seek medical help when dry cough is accompanied by fever, the most common symptom of COVID-19 affecting 78% of confirmed COVID cases, according to a meta-analysis of 24,000 COVID cases. (9)




Home remedies. These range from salt water gargles, hot tea with lemon and honey, or even taking a spoonful of honey to coat the throat. (10)  These mostly work by clearing or coating the throat to provide temporary relief.

Cough Drops, Lozenges, and Hard Candy. Oral menthol provides a soothing benefit for the irritated throat. Sweet candies, in turn, are said to help ease itchy throat because it increases saliva production, which hydrates the affected area.

But if you want something that targets the common causes of itchy throat, try [Diphenhydramine Phenylpropanolamine HCl] TUSERAN NIGHT.  It is a multi-ailment cough medicine (gamot sa ubo) with clinically proven ingredients to relieve from itchy throat, cough & colds. (12)

[Diphenhydramine Phenylpropanolamine HCl]
Tuseran Night works to:

  • Stop nasal secretions that cause colds or post-nasal drip, which occurs when mucus trickles down at the back of your throat.  These cause itchy throat.
  • Stop itchy throat caused by allergy because of its antihistamine properties.
  • Stop cough with its cough suppressant action which is recommended by doctors for dry cough.
  • Promotes comfort as a syrup that leaves a soothing feel (hagod) as it coats your throat.
  • Most of all, it has sedative properties to help you sleep to aid in recovery

So whether it’s the cough, colds or allergy that’s causing your itchy throat, [Diphenhydramine Phenylpropanolamine HCl] Tuseran Night addresses these. This syrup works in as fast as 15minutes, and you enjoy relief from cough and other symptoms that come with it for as long as 6 hours.

It is available in major drugstores like Mercury, Watsons, South Star or Rose Pharmacy.

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.